Board Member
ABC Pregnancy Resource Center is governed by an independent Board of Directors. The Board shall consist of 5 to 15, one of which is the Executive Director of ABC Pregnancy Resource Center.
This Board is committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His principles for the success of the center.
In addition to administering with this common conviction, the directors each provide guidance and support in areas such as finances, administrations, and policy, according to their individual fields of expertise.
The members of the Board of Directors of ABC Pregnancy Resource Center shall:
① Establish policies for the operation of ABC, ensuring that the by laws, policies, and procedures are being followed.
② Set the center’s overall program from year to year and engage in long-range planning to ensure and establish its general course for the future.
③ Establish fiscal policy, with budgets and financial controls.
④ Provide adequate resources for the activities of ABC through direct financial contributions and a commitment to fundraising.
⑤ Hire and annually evaluate the Executive Director.
⑥ Develop and maintain a communication link to the community, promoting the work of ABC.
⑦ Regularly attend all scheduled board and other meetings.
⑧ Support ABC and the Executive Director through regular prayer.
ABC Board Interest Application
Please read over the Board Member Responsibilities before submitting the ABC Board interest application to ensure that you comply with all the requirements