About ABC

ABC was founded in 1991 when citizens of Southwest Louisiana noticed an overwhelming need for young mothers and pregnant women in our community. Individuals and churches came together to provide a place of compassion and care for these moms with free resources and supplies. Still today, ABC is known for its kindness and impact in the community.

We are women…
just like you

Many of our staff and volunteers have experienced difficult pregnancies and now they are using that to help others.

We aren’t here to judge you or tell you what to do. We offer information on the options available to you during what may be a difficult and confusing time in your life. No matter who you are, what you have done or what’s been done to you, someone cares! We are here to help you. Call us (337) 433-2797 or contact us through the Contact tab.

Learn more about what the ABC Pregnancy Resource Center offers by visiting the Free Services Tab. You can schedule a free appointment at our center by phone 337-433-2797 or through the Contact tab.